Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yakutsk- totally different cultrure

There is a region in this country covered from the rest of Russia with mountains and see. You can't get there by train, and it is very dangerous road to take through the mountain side. The only safe way to get there is by taking flights to Russia, or domestic flight from any major city.

This region name is Yakutia, the land of Yakuts and Chukchi. These are deer hunters that were living in this lands long before Russian state even exist. When Russian empire was growing on south all the way to Alaska, it has met many different tribes and origin people who later became the part of country. Sometimes they were for it, sometimes not, but all they serve to czars.

Yakutsk it a city that live in severe winter 9 month a year. The ground in summers is hard like a stone and covered in ice just 10 feet below you. In winters it is like that right below you. The agriculture is really hard to do, so basically they are living like centuries ago- deer hunting, or better say deer farming.

It is a very interesting place to come, the land is full of gold and amber, which are the main source of income for a region. Russia travel can be an even more interesting experience if you visit this city. Yakutsk is a developed city with all kind of attractions and services, which are not different a lot from Moscow hotels. Also Children Olimpic Games are held there every 4 years where countries from all Asia are coming for 2 week competitions.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Siberia has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in travel to Russia. Every year tourists from different parts of the world visit this region of Russia and admire the cities and sights there.

Omsk is a city in Siberia, which located in the western part of the region. It was Russian tsar Peter the Great, who ordered to build a fortress in the region, which later became a rapidly developing city. Omsk is an important Russian port and industrial center. The city has various kinds of sights, which should be visited. However you probably would never hear that Omsk was a place where tzars send away everyone who was against them, or in other words, it was a political prison. I think this is more interesting reason to visit Russia Omsk. Even the name of it, from Russian mean Genaral Place of Prisoners Location (Obshee Mesto Sbora Katorjnikov).

Various architectural monuments are located in this city. Each of the monuments represent an different architectural style, which makes them unique. The city has theaters and museums, which offer various kinds of collections of works of art. Vrubel’s Museum of Fine Arts is one of the biggest museums in the whole country.It is also located on a way of Russian train system. There are also beautiful churches in the city, constructed in the past centuries.

Irkutsk- a rapidly developing Siberian city

The city of Irkutsk was founded as a fortress, which is still remain and is interesting for making a Russia tour, but later was enlarges and acquired the status of a town in the 17th century. At that time the town was an important trade center connected various parts of the country with China and Alaska.

Nowadays Irkutsk is a rapidly developing city with an old history. The city is an industrial and scientific Russian center, which is sometimes referred to as the cultural capital of Siberia. Some Russian cruises also starts from there. Museums and art galleries of the city preserve the cultural treasures of Siberia. Being a very important junction of the Trans-Siberian railway, makes this city a very important trading center, as well as popular tourist destination for Russia vacation.

There are various sights in the city. The Church of our Savior is among popular sights in the city. The church represents the only stone building of the 18th century. The church is decorated in a traditional old Russian way. There are many other beautiful and old churches in the city.


Being one of the most popular tourist destinations in Siberia, the city of Novosibirsk offers various kinds of entertainment for the tourists taking tours to Russia. The city is also a highly developed educational center of Russia with scientific institutes, as well as research centers. Novosibirsk has its own international airport, known as the Tolmachevo Airport, which gives an opportunity to get there by plane from any part of Russia and numerous offered flight to Russia from Europe.

Tourists can spend an unforgettable time in the city visiting its famous Zoo or theaters and museums of the city. The city offers restaurants and bars of all kinds, as well as nightclubs with all services included. There are also various casinos in the city for those, who would like to try their fortune.

Novosibirsk Zoo is one of the most famous attractions in the city, which can be of interest bith for children and adults. It is located relatevily close to train station where you can buy Russian train ticket. The Zoo represents a forested park with about four thousand animals kept there.

Baikalo- Lensky Nature Reserve

Baikalo-Lensky Nature Reserve is one of the biggest ones in the region of Baikal. This nature reserve was founded in 1986. Baikalo-Lensky Nature Reserve covers the area of more than six thousand square kilometers and stretches along the Lake Baikal bank. The area is covered with forests, where different kinds of trees can be found, such as cedar, fir, larch and many others. As I said before Russian train is the only way to get close to it, then you can travel by boat of by car, but roads are in extrime conditions.

Baikalo-Lensky Nature Reserve has about eight hundred plant species, some of which are rare and included into the Red Data Book and are very interesting to see for tourist travel in Russia. Various kinds of bird and mammal species can be found in this nature reserve. Bird species include osprey (Pandion Haliaetus), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and many others. The reserve is famous for its brown bears, which can be found in large quantity in the reserve. Various kinds of fish species can be found in the nature reserve, especially in rivers and streams, located in the territory. More detailed information you would find in facts about Russia.

Baikalo-Lensky Nature Reserve is one of the best nature reserves in Siberia, which is visited by tourists from different parts of the world.

Pribaikalsky National Park

Pribaikalsky National Park is one of the most interesting parks in Siberia. You can get there only on Russian trains. The park stretches along the coastline of the Baikal. Olkhon Island is included in the territory of the national park. About 85 percent of the territory of this park is covered with forests, which makes it a unique place with a picturesque landscape. Various kinds of animals and plants can be found there. The park is also known for its natural monuments, the number of which is more than fifty, among which there are botanical, zoological and other monuments.

The park offers wide range of services for tourists taking Russia tour, which include various kinds of camps, hotels and resorts, suitable for a good and comfortable rest. Tourists can be involved in various kinds of activities there, such as fishing, horse riding, hiking and many others.
Okhlon Island attracts thousands of tourists every year coming on Russia vacation. It is the biggest and oldest ones on the Baikal. The island is known for its architectural and archeological sights, representing different epochs of human development.