Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Baikalo- Lensky Nature Reserve

Baikalo-Lensky Nature Reserve is one of the biggest ones in the region of Baikal. This nature reserve was founded in 1986. Baikalo-Lensky Nature Reserve covers the area of more than six thousand square kilometers and stretches along the Lake Baikal bank. The area is covered with forests, where different kinds of trees can be found, such as cedar, fir, larch and many others. As I said before Russian train is the only way to get close to it, then you can travel by boat of by car, but roads are in extrime conditions.

Baikalo-Lensky Nature Reserve has about eight hundred plant species, some of which are rare and included into the Red Data Book and are very interesting to see for tourist travel in Russia. Various kinds of bird and mammal species can be found in this nature reserve. Bird species include osprey (Pandion Haliaetus), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and many others. The reserve is famous for its brown bears, which can be found in large quantity in the reserve. Various kinds of fish species can be found in the nature reserve, especially in rivers and streams, located in the territory. More detailed information you would find in facts about Russia.

Baikalo-Lensky Nature Reserve is one of the best nature reserves in Siberia, which is visited by tourists from different parts of the world.

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