Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yakutsk- totally different cultrure

There is a region in this country covered from the rest of Russia with mountains and see. You can't get there by train, and it is very dangerous road to take through the mountain side. The only safe way to get there is by taking flights to Russia, or domestic flight from any major city.

This region name is Yakutia, the land of Yakuts and Chukchi. These are deer hunters that were living in this lands long before Russian state even exist. When Russian empire was growing on south all the way to Alaska, it has met many different tribes and origin people who later became the part of country. Sometimes they were for it, sometimes not, but all they serve to czars.

Yakutsk it a city that live in severe winter 9 month a year. The ground in summers is hard like a stone and covered in ice just 10 feet below you. In winters it is like that right below you. The agriculture is really hard to do, so basically they are living like centuries ago- deer hunting, or better say deer farming.

It is a very interesting place to come, the land is full of gold and amber, which are the main source of income for a region. Russia travel can be an even more interesting experience if you visit this city. Yakutsk is a developed city with all kind of attractions and services, which are not different a lot from Moscow hotels. Also Children Olimpic Games are held there every 4 years where countries from all Asia are coming for 2 week competitions.

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